Ayurvedic spice powder from Kutaja bark.
The small Kutaja tree (botanical name: Holarrhena antidysenterica) is mainly found in mountain regions.
Ayurvedic recipes use the bark as well as the flowers, fruits and seeds.
Kutaja balances the Kapha and Pita doshas while increasing the Vata dosha.
Ayurvedic spice powder from Kutaya bark.
The small Kutaya tree (botanical name: Holarrhena antidysenterica) is mainly found in mountain regions.
Ayurvedic recipes use the bark as well as the flowers, fruits and seeds.
Kutaya balances the Kapha and Pita doshas while increasing the Vata dosha.
According to the Ayurvedic source text Charak Samhita, Kutaya belongs to Arshoghna, Kandughna, Stanyasodhana and Asthapanopaga. It is also called Kurchi or Kutaz. Kutaya stimulates the digestive fire (Agni).
The ancient Hindu text Manusmriti says that kutaya seeds can be used to purify water, similar to moringa, whose ground seeds are also placed in water to purify it. One powdered ground seed is enough to purify one litre of water.
Effects on doshas: Increasing Vata, balancing Pita and Kapha
Rasa (taste): bitter, astringent
Guna (characteristic): mild, harsh
Vipaka (taste after digestion): pungent
Virya (effect): cold
Ultra-pure, laboratory-tested quality! With the quality seal "BDIH controlled heavy metals test". From controlled organic farming
Preparation/use: Add about 3 g of powder (heaped teaspoon) to warm water and drink.
Additional information: Nimi Ayurveda organic powder is made from plant parts specified in Ayurvedic texts and is processed and manufactured according to Ayurvedic guidelines.
Ingredients: Kutaya* (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
* From controlled organic cultivation
Net content: 100g ground powder
Storage conditions: store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight
Origin: non-EU agriculture (India)
Manufacturer: AHG Ayurveda Handels GmbH, Germany