Seven Chakra Crystal Prayer Necklace A Quality, 108 Beads and Bag, 6mm
Red - 1st Chakra: Pomegranate
Orange - 2nd Chakra: Carnelian
Yellow - 3rd Chakra: Lemon
Green - Chakra 4: Green aventurine
Light blue - 5 chakra: Aqua aura
Dark Blue - 6th Chakra: Lazurite
Purple - 7th Chakra: Amethyst
Red - 1st Chakra: Pomegranate
Orange - 2nd Chakra: Carnelian
Yellow - 3rd Chakra: Lemon
Green - Chakra 4: Green aventurine
Light blue - 5 chakra: Aqua aura
Dark Blue - 6th Chakra: Lazurite
Purple - 7th Chakra: Amethyst
The bead necklace is mainly used to count repetitive mantras. So in fact it serves the same purpose as pink. Beads made of (semi-) precious stones, pearls, body seeds, or wood can serve a variety of purposes, such as reciting any mantras or other forms of prayer, arcs, walks, and the like. The necklace is the same for each edge and should be made of nine threads symbolizing Buddha Vajradhara and eight Bodhisattvas. The larger bead at the end signifies wisdom that perceives emptiness, and the cylindrical bead on the large bead symbolizes emptiness itself. Together, they symbolize victory over all calamities.
Mala (necklace) with 108 beads is used when reading or chanting mantras. 108 is an ideal number for all purposes. It is important that when reading or chanting a mantra, our thoughts are pure. Mantra is the practical use of secret powers that can help our progress. Mantra means a set of letters from the alphabet. The effect will be felt by repeating the mantra over and over again; this dives deeper and deeper as this recitation continues. Essential is the sound created by recitation. This sound creates a unique spiritual footprint for the reciting person. The mantra is said to be like man; before reaching the final effect, it is necessary to go through various stages: "Clearance of mental impressions". There are various mantras with inherent potential power; it can be transmitted in person only through the initiation of the Teacher. These are the so-called "Siddha mantras". Some of the edges (bead necklaces) have two counting devices with photos of Vajra and Bello. In Buddhism, the symbolic meaning of these images is "method and wisdom, masculine and feminine principles." The bone of an animal symbolizes the short-term state of all beings. These calculating devices are used in retreats, reading 100,000 mantras.
Bead size: 0.6 cm
Weight: 56 g